In the US Jewish prayer books usually have English translations, but the needs of the Jewish people have been different in different times and places. In Europe and in the immigrant generation here in America Yiddish filled the role that English plays now. This is an area of Yidish publishing that hasn't gotten much attention. Below is a selection from stock, not a work of scholarship, but perhaps a suggestion of one. The images provided show the covers, title-pages and an image from the internal contents.
A Naye Shas Tehinah fir un akhtsig fershidene neytine Tehinos fir Agants Yohr fun groyse ge'onim un fun nashim tsidkaniyot un yede froeye kon zikh aleihre bakashot fun di Tehonos aroys nemen, Mit Groyse Verter un Alkes Ke-Seder. Vilna, c. 1910. Small octavo, worn and soiled tan cloth spine with black lettering, edgeworn maroon paper covered boards, 160 pp. Yellowed paper. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Yiddish. (34301) $25.00
Alfes, Benzion.
Sidur Bet Yisrael Ivri-Taytsh: kolel seder ha-tefilot le-khol yemot ha-shanah im yalkut Paninim yekarim u-Ma'aseh Alfes: yekhil sheloshim u-shenayim be'urim yekarim. Ashkenaz. New York, Hebrew Publishing Company, 1930s. Octavo, dark green cloth with black lettering, 592 pp. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew and in Yiddish taytsh. (97866) $20.00
Mahzor Or Le-Yisro'el Le-Rosh Ha-Shanah mit a Moderner Yidisher Iberzetsung. Ale Tefilos un Piyutim gehen ke-seder, men zol nit mishen un zukhen fun eyn plats oyf'n tsveyten. New York, Star Hebrew Book Company, 1928/9. 16mo, black cloth with gold lettering, wear along the front hinge, 377, 377 pp. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew and Yiddish on facing pages. (38451) $25.00
Fürstenthal, Rafael bar"Y.
Sefer Metiv safah : kolel ha-selihot le-yamim ha-nora'im ke-fi minhag kehilot kedoshot Pozna, ve-Hradni veha-galil. Tefilat Shahrit le-yeme Ha-Selikhot. Krotoschin, Gedruckt bei B.L. Monasch, 1839. Duodecimo, half black cloth with a chipped paper spine label, black paper covered boards, ii, 468 pp. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew and Judeo-German. (86038) $75.00
Fürstenthal und Cunow, new translation by.
Minhah Hadashah oder Mahzor. Erster Band: Mahzor fir Rosh Ha-Shanah. Krotoschin, B.L. Monasch, 1859. Duodecimo, half black leather with wear at the head of the spine, black paper covered boards, 360, 34 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. Text is Hebrew and Judeo-German. With "Shir Ha-Yehud" for each day of the holiday, at the rear (94943) $45.00

Fürstenthal und Cunow, new translation by.
Minhah Hadashah oder Mahzor. Fierter Band: Mahzor fir Pesah. Krotoschin, B.L. Monasch, 1852. Duodecimo, half black cloth with a chipped paper spine label, black paper covered boards, 440, 34 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. Text is Hebrew and Judeo-German. With "Shir Ha-Yehud" for each day of the holiday, at the rear (86037) $75.00

Fürstenthal [R. J.] and Konov, [Mikhal Menahem].
Minhah hadashah: oder Mahzor al Kol Ha-Shanah Naye iberzettst. Finfter Band: Mahzor fir Sukot. Krotoshin, B.L. Monasch, 1841. Tsvayte, Durkhoys Ferbesserte Oyflage. Small octavo, full brown leather entirely lacking the backstrip, 412, 34 pp. Hardbound. Fair. Text is in Hebrew with translation into Ivri Taytsh. (84772) $60.00
Fürstenthal [R. J.] and Konov, [Mikhal Menahem].
Minhah hadashah: oder Mahzor al Kol Ha-Shanah Naye iberzettst. Finfter Band: Mahzor fir Shavu'ot. Krotoshin, B.L. Monasch, 1841. Tsvayte, Durkhoys Ferbesserte Oyflage. Small octavo, frayed and edgeworn black cloth spine with a red leather spine label, edgeworn and mildly shelfworn marbled paper covered boards, half-leather with a worn green leather label on the spine, shelfworn marbled paper covered boards, 304, 34 pp. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew with translation into Ivri Taytsh. (84766) $65.00
Fürstenthal [R. J.] and Konov, [Mikhal Menahem].
Minhah hadashah: oder Mahzor al Kol Ha-Shanah Naye iberzettst. Tsvayter Band: Mahzor fir Yom Kipur. Krotoshin, B.L. Monasch, 1859. Akhte Oyflage. Small octavo, worn brown leather spine with worn gold lettering edgeworn black paper covered boards, 420 pp., one leaf roughly worn. Hardbound. Good-. Text is in Hebrew with translation into Ivri Taytsh. (84776) $50.00
Gordon, Yehuda Lib bar Meir.
Sidur Bet Yehuda: Seder Tefilot Yisrael Ke-Minhag Ashkenaz kolel bo Tefilot le-Kol ha-Shanah ba-Sheloshah Helekim im ha-Atakah Ivrit Ashkenazit Tsahah ve-Kalah ve-Atah Hosafnu bo Or Hadash ve-hu Sidur Histori. New York, Jewish Press Publishing Co., 1912 [?]. Octavo, brown cloth with faded gold lettering, 168, 192, 160 pp. Yellowed paper. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew and Yiddish Taythsh. (34278) $20.00
Heidenheim, W.
Mahzor Minhag Polin Le-Yom Kipur Madvik Hetiv u-Mevo'ar Yafeh u-Meturgam Ashkenazit. Rödelheim (Frankfurt am Main), Buchdruckerey von W. Heidenheim, 1811. Duodecimo, lacking the backstrip, worn half-leather, shelfworn marbled paper covered boards, front endpaper covered with pen of various eras, ii, 144, 43, 84, 56, 60 pp. two pages loose but still attached. Contemporary pen notes with musical notation in the margins. Newer pen over the front endpaper. Hardbound. Good-. Text is in Hebrew. (49422) $75.00
Heidenheim, Wolf.
Sefer Kerovot hu mahazor: meduyak hetev im be'ur ve-tirgum. Mahazor Le-Hag Ha-Shavu'ot. Roedelheim, Verlegt und gedruckt in der privilegirten orintal- und occidentalishen Buchdruckerey von W. Heidenheim und B.M. Baschwitz., 1805. First Edition. Duodecimo, maroon leather with gold decorations, chipping and loss to the leather spine labels, aeg, xii, 248, 24 pp., on blue paper. Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in Hebrew and Judeo-German. An attractive copy on one of the nine volumes of this edition. (83527) $295.00

Heidenheim, Wolf.
Sefer Kerovot hu mahazor: meduyak hetev im be'ur ve-tirgum. Mahazor Le-Shemini Atseret ule-Simhat Torah. Minhag Ashkenaz. Roedelheim, Verlegt und gedruckt in der privilegirten orintal- und occidentalishen Buchdruckerey von W. Heidenheim und B.M. Baschwitz., 1805. First Edition. Duodecimo, maroon leather with gold decorations, leather spine labels, aeg, xii, 180, 24 pp., on pale blue paper (probably faded from the original tint) Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in Hebrew and Judeo-German. An attractive copy on one of the nine volumes of this edition. (83528) $295.00

Heidenheim, Wolf.
Sefer Kerovot hu mahazor: meduyak hetev im be'ur ve-tirgum. Mahazor. Minhag Ashkenaz. Ha-Aravit Le Yom Kipur. Roedelheim, Verlegt und gedruckt in der privilegirten orintal- und occidentalishen Buchdruckerey von W. Heidenheim und , 1809. Second Edition. Duodecimo, maroon leather with gold decorations with a few spots of rough wear, leather spine labels, aeg, 112, 36 pp., on pale blue paper (probably faded from the original tint) Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in Hebrew and Judeo-German. An attractive copy on one of the nine volumes of this edition. (83530) $150.00
Heidenheim, Wolf.
Sefer Kerovot hu mahazor: meduyak hetev im be'ur ve-tirgum. Mahazor. Minhag Ashkenaz. Le-Yom Rishon shel Rosh Ha-Shanah. Roedelheim, Verlegt und gedruckt in der privilegirten orintal- und occidentalishen Buchdruckerey von W. Heidenheim, 1811. Second Edition. Duodecimo, maroon leather with gold decorations, leather spine labels, aeg, xx, 184, 24 pp., on pale blue paper (probably faded from the original tint) Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in Hebrew and Judeo-German. An attractive copy on one of the nine volumes of this edition. (83529) $150.00
Heidenheim, Wolf.
Sefer Kerovot hu mahazor: meduyak hetev im be'ur ve-tirgum. Mahazor. Minhag Ashkenaz. Le-Yom Sheni shel Rosh Ha-Shanah. Roedelheim, Verlegt und gedruckt in der privilegirten orintal- und occidentalishen Buchdruckerey von W. Heidenheim, 1811. Second Edition. Duodecimo, maroon leather with gold decorations, leather spine labels, aeg, viii, 200, 24 pp., on pale blue paper (probably faded from the original tint) Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in Hebrew and Judeo-German. An attractive copy on one of the nine volumes of this edition. (83531) $150.00
Heidenheim, Wolf.
Sefer Kerovot hu mahazor: meduyak hetev im be'ur ve-tirgum. Mahazor. Le-Yom Shevi'i u-Shemini shel Pesah ule-Shabat Hol Ha-Mo'ed. Roedelheim, Verlegt und gedruckt in der privilegirten orintal- und occidentalishen Buchdruckerey von W. Heidenheim, 1811. Second Edition. Duodecimo, maroon leather with gold decorations, leather spine labels, aeg, xxxii, 232, 24 pp., on pale blue paper (probably faded from the original tint) Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in Hebrew and Judeo-German. An attractive copy on one of the nine volumes of this edition. (83532) $150.00
Heidenheim, W., edited and compiled by.
Mahzor Le-Hag Ha-Shavuot im Targum Ashkenaz. Sulzbach, Be-vet uve-dafus Hayim Frank madfis, 1841. Duodecimo, mildly worn brown quarter leather with a black leather spine label with faded gold lettering, 32, 248, 24 pp., foxing particularly to the last few pages. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew with commentary in Judeo-German. (86030) $75.00
Mahazor bet Ya'akov, Rosh ha-shanah: di naye oysgabe mahzorim zenen mit nusakh Ashkenaz, mishle Yehudah, imre hakhamim, tar"yag mitsvot. Pieterkov, Joseph Cohen, 1920s. Octavo, light brown cloth with gold lettering and minor edgewear, 36, 264 pp., yellowed paper. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew. (56817) $25.00
Mahzor. Helek Shelishi. Le-Hag Ha-Sukot. Mugah Be-Inyan Ha-Dak Be-Dagushim, ve-Refui'im, al pi Mahzor Redelheim. Im Sheloshah Bi'urim Tovim Ve-Yekarim ... Bet Levi, Mateh Levi. Ma'aseh Oreg. ve-im bi'ur Ashkenazi, (Ivri Deytsh) uva-Nekudot. Warsaw, Shmuel bar Hayim Orgelbrand, 1875. Octavo, rebacked in brown cloth, 16, 28, 252, 22 pp., yellowed paper . Hinges reinforced at some time precious with brown craft paper. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew with various commentaries including Biur in Judeo-German (Ivri-Taytsh). (84763) $50.00
Mahzor im perush ... be-shem Shirah Hadashah ve-Yilkut Peninim Yekarim Nusah Ashkenaz: Rosh Ha-Shanah. Warsaw, S. Sikora ve-Y. Milner, c. 1920. Octavo, green cloth with black stamped decoration and gold lettering, 48, 448, 267-274 pp., yellowed paper. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew and Yiddish. (84881) $25.00
Mahzor Imre Noam Be-Otiyot Gegolot. Di gute Mahzorim Zenen Mit Imre Noam, Mishlei Ya'akov, Divre Hakhamim, Taryag Mitzvot... Pieterkov, Levin-Epstein, 1898. Octavo, half-brown leather with wear at the spine ends and corners, tree leather over the boards, 88, 43-288, 23 pp. Yellowed paper. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew and Yiddish. (84883) $30.00
Mahzor Imre Noam Be-Otiyot Gegolot. Di gute Mahzorim Zenen Mit Imre Noam, Mishlei Ya'akov, Divre Hakhamim, Taryag Mitzvot... Pieterkov, Levin-Epstein, 1908. Octavo, half-brown leather with wear at the spine ends and corners, tree leather over the boards, 88, 43-288, 23 pp. Yellowed paper. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew and Yiddish. (96282) $30.00

Mahzor Kol Bo im perush Ivri Teytsh ba-Shem Beyt Yisrael ve-Yalkut Peninim Yekarim u-Ma'aseh Alfas. Nusah Ashkenaz. Yom Kippur. New York, Hebrew Publishing Company, 1912. Octavo, black cloth with gold lettering on the spine and blind stamped decorations on the boards, wear at the spine ends, 136, 3-56, 6, 352 pp. New endpapers layed in and a bit stiff in the hinge. Hardbound. Good-. Text is in Hebrew and Yiddish as described in the title. (84770) $15.00

Mahzor Kol Bo im perush Ivri Taytsh ba-Shem Beyt Yisrael ve-Yalkut Peninim Yekarim u-Ma'aseh Alfas. Nusah Ashkenaz. Le-Yom Kipur. Vienna, Jos. Schlesinger, 1927. Octavo, black cloth with gold gold and blind stamped decorations on the boards, minor wear at the spine ends, 100, 114, 326 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in Hebrew and Yiddish as described in the title. (73562) $25.00
Mahzor Kol Bo im Peirush Ivri Taytsh Ha-Shalem ve-im lekute Peninim Yekarim, ve-Imre Noam. Nusah Ashkenaz Ke-Seder Be-Otiyot Gedolot Me'od. Le-Yom Kipur. New York, I.M. Alter, 1938. Octavo, brown leather with general edgewear, blind-stamped decorations, 336 pp. With a previous owners ink stamp all over the endpapers. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew with Yiddish translation at the bottom of the pages. (39933) $25.00
Mahzor kol bo: im perush Ivri Taitsh be-shem Bet Yisrael ve-yalkut Peninim Yekarim u-Ma'aseh Alfas; nusah Sefarad. Rosh Ha-Shanah, Yom Kipur. Tel Aviv, Sinai Publishing, 1957. Octavo, blue cloth with gold lettering, 494, 100, 114, 336 p. Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in Hebrew with Yiddish translations below. (49025) $12.00
Mahzor kol bo: im perush ivri taytsh be-shem Bet Yisra'el: ve-yalkut peninim yekarim u-Ma'aseh Alfas. Nusah Ashkenaz. Shemini Atseret ve-Simhat Torah. Vilna, Y. Vletsher et P. Mets, 1908. Octavo, black cloth with a hand-cut paper heart pasted down at the center of the front panel, color half-title page, 26, vi, 240 pp., yellowed paper. Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in Hebrew with Ivri Teytsh below. (48451) $25.00
Mahzor kol bo: im perush Ivri Taitsh be-shem Bet Yisrael ve-yalkut Peninim Yekarim u-Ma'aseh Alfas; nusah Sefarad. Rosh Ha-Shanah, Yom Kipur. Tel Aviv, Sinai Publishing, 1957. Octavo, blue cloth with gold lettering, 494, 100, 114, 336 p. Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in Hebrew with Yiddish translations below. (49025) $12.00
Orgelbrand, Shmuel Hayim.
Mahazor: Helek Shelishi Le-Hag Ha-Sukot mugah be-iyun ha-dak bi-degushim vi-refuyim, a.p. mahazor Redlhaym: im sheloshah be'urim u-shemam Bet Levi Mateh Levi Ma'aseh Org. ve-im be'ur Ashkenazi, (Ivri daytsh) uvi-nekudot. Warsaw, Bi-defus R. Shemuel be-R. Hayim Argelbrand, 1875. Octavo, full leather with wear to the corner and spine, 28, 18-28, 252, 18 pp., yellowed paper , with Zodiacal devices in the section with the Geshem prayer . Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew. (68000) $45.00
Shas Tehinah Rav Peninim, mit fiele peirushim un meshalim in Ivri Taytsh, Tsvishen velkhe es gefinen zikh mishle David, Migdal David, Mishle Avos, Mishle Musar, Divre Tsadikim, Minhat Yitshak, Ma'aseh Hakhamim, Dinim, Toldor A.Z.V. Enthalt Hundert Zeks un Zibetsig naye un alte Tahanot un Meshalim, Aroysgenumen fun Fiel Midrashim un Sifre Musar. New York, Hebrew Publishing Company, [1916]. Later printing. Duodecimo, tan cloth with black lettering, 314 pp. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Yiddish. (33466) $25.00
Stern, Mendel Bar"Y.
Mahzor le-Kol Mo'ade Ha-Shanah ke-minhag ha-medinot Polin, Behmen, Mehren ve-Ungarn mugah u-madvik me'od in Mahsor kol Davar. Fest-Gebete der Izraeliten mit Follstendiges, Zorngeltig Durkhgezehenem und Vohlgeordnetem Tekste und Ayner Fermehrten und Ferbesserten Daytshen Iberzettsung. Finfte, Fermehrte und Ferbesserte Oysgabe. Akhter Band. Mahzor le-Yom Shevi'i ve-Aharon shel Pesah. Gebete fir den Zibenten und Akhten Teg dem Pesah=Festes. Machsor Tom. VIII. Vienna, Verlag von F. Knöpflmacher's Buchhandlung, 1857. Octavo, green cloth with blind-stamped and gold-stamped decorations with fraying at the spine ends, 304 pp., foxing. Hardbound. Good. Text is in Hebrew with Judeo-German translation in correspondng columns on most pages. (84775) $75.00