The Reform movement was consolidating itself in the period of mass immigration from Eastern Europe. The demographic change altered the calculation of Reform leaders that their version of Judaism would be the dominant one in the United States. The movement was beginning to produce a culture of serious academic scholarship among its body of American educated rabbis. Reform rabbis were associated with the major leaders of American Jewry. The Year Books from the early years of the run (they continue to appear) are a rarely consulted resource for the study of American Jewish History. At these conferences issues like assimilation and relevant Jewish education for contemporary youth were already active issues for these rabbis long before they entered into mainstream cultural discussion. The descriptions below include the details on the articles. However, each also includes reports on the business of the movement and the statements of the movement on various people and events of the time.
Later volumes of this journal are quite common, but these are not.

Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, For 1895-5644 [VIII]. Cincinnati, Ohio, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1895. Octavo, green cloth spine with black covered boards and a printed paper label on the front board, worn corners, lviii, 78 pp., errata. Hardbound. Very Good. Articles are "Theology of Old Prayer Book," Max Margolis, "The Rabbi as a Public Man," I.L. Leucht, "Funeral Agenda," Joseph Stolz, "Funeral Reforms,' Leo M. Franklin, "Gibt es Dogmen im Judenthem," B. Felsenthal. (38759) $60.00

Guttmacher, Adolf and Rosenau, William, edited by. Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis Volume XIII 1903 5663, containing the Proceedings of the Covention held at Detroit, June 29 to July 4, 1903. New York, CCAR, 1903. Octavo, olive cloth spine with black lettering, minor chipping to the boards, 390 pp. Hardbound. Good. Articles are "Telegram sent to President Roosevelt anent the Kishineff Affair," "Assyriology and the Bible," Kaufman Kohler, with discussion by Philipson, Elzas, Willner, M.L. Margolis, Deutsch, Eelow, F. Cohn, Kohler, "Report of the Sabbath Commission," J. Voorsanger, Sonneschein, Enelow, "Pegagogical Methods in the Modern Jewish Religious School," L. Grossman, with discussion by A. Simon, "The Theological Aspect of Reformed Judaism," M.L. Margolis, with the discussion by S. Hecht and M. Friedlander, "Life of Solomon Munk," G. Deutsch. (38749) $50.00
Guttmacher, Adolf and Rosenau, William, edited by. Central Conference of American Rabbis Volume XIV 1904 5664 Containing the Proceedings of the Convention held at Louisville, June 26 to June 30 1904. New York, CCAR, 1905. Octavo, olive cloth spine with black lettering, 252 pp. Hardbound. Articles are "Conference Sermon: Like Priest, Like People," D. Philipson, "Reform Judaism and the Recent Immigrant," A. Hirschber, "Thoughts Concenring Some Jewish Questions of the Day," B. Felsenthal, "Proposed Changes in the Scriptural Readings as Arranged inthe Hebrew Union Prayer Book," M.H. Harris, "Jewish Religious Conditions in Scattered Communities," C. Zepin, "The Life of Salomon Sulzer, "Sulzer's Music," A. Kaiser. Very Good. (38749) $50.00
Guttmacher, Adolph and Rosenau, William, edited by. Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Volume XV 1905 5665. Containing the Proceedings of the Convention held at Cleveland, Ohio, July 2 to 6, 1905. No place, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1905. Octavo, olive cloth with black lettering, 279 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. Articles are "Conference Sermon: Meeting Our Problems," Leo M. Franklin, "Presidential Address," Jos Krauskopf, "The Kaddish," I. Schwab, "Rashi, his Life and Work," Max Schloessinger, "The Pathology of Lack of Affilition," Geo. Zepin, Memorial Resolutions on Death of Lippman Mayer." (38755) $50.00

Schanfarber, Tobias and Hirschberg, Samuel, edited by. Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Volume XVI 1906 5666. Containing the Proceedings of the Convention held at Indianapolis, Ind., July 1 to 5, 1906. No place, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1906. Octavo, paper covers, 342 pp. Hardbound. Articles are "Conference Sermon: The function of the Rabbi in His Relation to His People," Schulman, "Message of President," Jos. Stolz, "A Plan for Co-operative Work in Collecting Material for Encyclopedic MStudies in Jewish History and Literature," G. Deutsch, "A Suggestion as to Reaching Adolescents," Alfred T. Godshaw, "Religious Work Among Jewish Inmates of Penal Institutions," Adolph M. Radin, "The Reform Movement as Reflected in Neo-Hebrew Institutions," Max Raisin, "Gabriel Riesser," G. Deutsch, "Samuel Holdheim, Jewish Reformer," David Philipson. Very Good. (39327) $50.00
Schanfarber, Tobias and Hirschberg, Samuel, edited by. Central Conference of American Rabbis Volume XVI 1906 5666 Containing the Proceedings of the Convention held at Indianapolis, IND., July 1 to 5, 1906. New York, CCAR, 1906. Octavo, light brown cloth with black lettering, 343 pp. Hardbound. Articles are "Conference Sermon: The function of the Rabbi in His
Relation to His People," Schulman, "Message of President," Jos. Stolz,
"A Plan for Co-operative Work in Collecting Material for Encyclopedic
MStudies in Jewish History and Literature," G. Deutsch, "A Suggestion as
to Reaching Adolescents," Alfred T. Godshaw, "Religious Work Among
Jewish Inmates of Penal Institutions," Adolph M. Radin, "The Reform
Movement as Reflected in Neo-Hebrew Institutions," Max Raisin, "Gabriel
Riesser," G. Deutsch, "Samuel Holdheim, Jewish Reformer," David
Philipson. Very Good. (38748) $35.00
Schanfarber, Tobias; Hirshberg, Samuel & Stolz, Joseph, edited by. Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Volume XVII 1907 5667. Containing the Proceedings of the Convention held at Frankfurt, Michigan, U.S.A., July 2 to 8, 1907. No place, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1907. Octavo, tan cloth with black lettering, 281 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. Articles are "Syllabus of Steropticon Lecture on Judaism of the Nineteenth Century," G. Deutsch, "Discussion of Rabbi Landman's Paper - "Moses Hayyim Luzzatto, in Honor of His Bicentenary,"" Rabbi Mendel Silber, "The History and Function of Ceremonies," Kaufman Kohler, "Message of the President," Stolz, "Conference Sermon," Maurice H. Harris, "Moses Hayyim Luzzatto, in Honor of His Bicentenary," Isaac Landman, "Sabbath Sermon," Marcus Salzman, "Religious Influences of Childhood Upon Adolescence," Montague N.A. Cohen, "Religious Work for Dependents and Defectives in Jewish Institutions," Simon Peiser, "Supplementary Explanations to the Plan for Co-operative Work in Collecting Material for Encyclopedic Studies in Jewish History and Literature," Gottfried Deutsch, "Memorial Page to Isaac Mayer Wise."
(87872) $45.00
(87872) $45.00

Morgenstern, Julian; Lefkowitz, David and Philipson, David, edited by. Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Volume XVIII 1908 5668. Containing the Proceedings of the Convention held at Frankfurt, Michigan, U.S.A., July 1 to 8, 1908. No place, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1908. Octavo, tan cloth with black lettering, 361 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. Articles are "Samson Raphael Hirsch, in Honor of the Centenary of His Birth," Max Heller, "The Significance of the Bible for Reform Judaism in the Light of Modern Scientific Research," Julian Morgenstern, "Intermarriage," Mendel Silver, "'Crescas and Spinoza' in Commemoration of the Fifth Centenary of the Publication of the 'Or Adonai,'" David Neumark. (76596) $45.00

Morgenstern, Julian Lefkowitz, David and Philpson, David., edited by. Central Conference of American Rabbis Volume XIX 1909 5670 Containing the Proceedings of the Convention held in New York City, November 9 to 16, 1909. New York, CCAR, 1910. Octavo, light brown cloth with black lettering, brittle free front endpaper loose, 508 pp., index. Hardbound. Articles are "Message of the President," David Philipson, "David Einhorn, The Uncompromising Champion of Reform, A Biographical Essay," Kaufman Kohler, "Intermarriage, Historically Considered," Ephraim Feldman, "Mixed Marriages in Their Relation to the Jewish Religion," Samuel Schulman, "A Review of Textbooks for Ethics," Nathan Krass, "Our Biblical Histories," Joseph S. Kornfeld, "A Review of Courses of Study and Methods in Use in Jewish Sunday-Schools," George Solomon, "Conference Sermon: The Old Wells," H.G. Enelow, "Samuel Adler, In Honor of the Centenary of his Birth," Joseph Silverman, "Obituary Address - Adolph Moses Radin," Nathan Stern, "The Workingman and the Synagogue," Solomon Foster. Good. (38747) $50.00
Marx, David Morgenstern, Julian and Heller, Max, edited by. Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Volume XX 1910 5670. Containing the Proceedings of the Convention held at Charlevoix, Michigan June 28 to July 4, 1910. Dedicated to the Memory of Abraham Geiger, Pioneer and Leader of the Reform Movement in Judaism in Honor of the Centenary of His Birth, May 24, 1910. No place, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1901. Octavo, tan cloth with black lettering, 384 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. Articles are "The Liberal Movement in English Jewry," Claude G. Montefiore, "The Reform Movement Before Geiger," J.S. Raisin, "Abraham Geiger, the Reformer," David Philipson, "The Reform Movement After Geiger," Max Landsberger, "Religion and Social Evil," Henry Berkowitz, "School Organization," Isaac Landman, "Post-Biblical History," Joseph Stolz, "Introduction in Jewish History," G. Deutsch. (38756) $50.00
Marx, David Morgenstern, Julian and Heller, Max, edited by. Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Volume XXI 1911 5671. Containing the Proceedings of the Convention held St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minn., June 30 to July 6, 1911. No place, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1911. Octavo, tan cloth with black lettering, 347 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. Articles are "Ludwig Philipson," Joseph S. Kornfeld, "The Basis of Membership in the American Synagogue," Louis Witt, "Leopold Loew," Julius Rappaport, "The Harvest Service," David Philipson, "Correspondence School for Jewish Teachers," Henry Berkowitz, "The Problem of Ethical Instruction in the Public Schools," Tobias, Schanfarber, "Sabbath-School Work for High School Pupils," "Some Aspects of Jewish Apologetics," Max C. Currick, "Leopold Stein," Harry W. Ettelson. (39326) $50.00
Schulman, Samuel and Foster, Solomon, edited by. Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Volume XXII 1912 5672. Containing the Proceedings of the Convention held at Baltimore, Maryland April 12 to 17, 1912. No place, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1912. Octavo, tan cloth with black lettering, 364 pp. Hardbound. Articles are "Message of President," Samuel Schulman, "The Spirit of the Age in Relation to Judaism: Conference Lecture," H.H. Mayer, "The Ethics of the Ministry: Conference Sermon," H. Berkowitz, "The Interest of American Jewry in the Judaism of Distant Lands," G. Deutsch, "Hermann Adler," Abram S. Isaacs, "Liebman Adler," Tobias Schnfarber, "Heinemann Volgelstein," David Philipson, "The Attitude of Judaism Toward Christian Science," Maurice Lefkovits, discussion by Julian H. Miller, "A Change of Confirmation Day," Joseph Krauskopf, "The Reintroduction of Congregational Singing," Israel Aaron. Very Good. (38754) $40.00

Schulman, Samuel; Foster, Solomon and Frisch, Ephraim, edited by. Year Book of the Central Conference of American Rabbis. Volume XXIII 1913 5673. Containing the Proceedings of the Convention held St. Paul and Atlantic City, N.J., July 2 to 8, 1913. No place, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1913. Octavo, tan cloth with black lettering, 410 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. Articles are "Jewish Music Historically Considered," Jacob Singer, "The Ethics of the Halakah," Jacob Z. Lauterbach, "Problems of American Judaism, Conference Lecture," Chas. S. Levi, "Without Spot or Blemish, Conference Sermon," Simon R. Cohen, "The Place of the Jew in a Racial Interpretation of History," Max Heller, "The Modern Problem of Marriage and Divorce," Leon Harrison, "Archeological Research in Bible Lands," A.S. Anspacher. (76595) $50.00

Marcuson, Isaac, edited by. Central Conference of American Rabbis Thirty-Sixth Annual Convention, October Twentieth to Twenty-Third, Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Five, Cleveland, Ohio. Volume XXXV. No place, Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1925. Octavo, paper covers with a crease to the front cover, frontispiece photo, 417 pp., index. Softbound. Very Good. Articles are "Modern Rabbinical Seminaries," Jacob Mann, Changing Functins of the Rabbinate," Joseph J. Kornfeld, "Attracting the College Youth to the Synagog," Benjamin Frankel, "Survey of Contemporaneous History," Harry S. Linfield, "Synagog Pension Plan," Ludwig Vogelstein, "Marrying Deceased Brother's Wife," Samuel S. Cohon, "Isaac M. Wise Memorial Page." (87873) $45.00

Marcuson, Isaac E., edited by. Central Conference of American Rabbis Fifty-Seventh Annual Convention, June 25th to June 30th Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Six, Chicago, Illinois, Volume LVI. This Volume is gratefully dedicated to members of the Conference who served as Chaplains in the Army and Navy During World War II. Special Chaplain's Edition. New York, CCAR, 1946. Octavo, black cloth with gold lettering, aeg, ribbon marker, 427 pp., index. Hardbound. Good. With the articles "The Union and the Conference - Our Common Task," Maurice N. Eisendrath, "Reform Judaism and the Halacha," Solomon B. Freehof, "The Impact of the Chaplaincy Upon the Chaplain," Milton Rosenbaum and Alvin I. Fine, "The Translation of that Impact in the Life of the Synagog," Earl S. Stone and Samuel M. Silver. (76607) $35.00