Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Little-known Saul Raskin caricatures

         Saul Raskin produced some of the best illustrated books on Jewish themes but he is certainly under-appreciated. He began as a caricaturist in the Jewish press. The periodicals that he published in are not overly common. The best books illustrated entirely by Raskin in his caricature mode - which he gave up in the 1930s - are Erets Yisroel in vort un bild: Indrike fun tsvey rayzes (1921-1924) and Der shpigel fun der Ist Sayd/ The Mirrors of the East Side. Erets Yisroel is a travelogue authored by Raskin himself. Der shpigel fun der Ist Sayd is a collection of short profiles of Lower East Side figures with caricatures of each person profiled. Raskin probably knew them all.
         Going through some issues of Zukunft from the teens I found an issue with an article by S. Malamad called "Tomye Atkins, Le Bon Zshon un der Dumer Oygust: A Bisel Soldaten-Psikhologye." Zukunft, which was began its run in 1895 and was published first by the Zukunft Publishing Association and later by the Forward Association. It still exists to this day as an online. The subtitle in early years included: A Monthly Magazine of Popular Science, Literature and Socialism or Zukunft: A Visnshaftlikh-Sotsyalistishe Monatshrift. 
          "Tomye Atkins..." appeared in a 1914 issue. World War One was a new thing and the full scale and horror of the war was not yet obvious. The tone is light - a comparison of the different style of the English, French and Germans. Remember, America was still neutral. Below are Raskin's illustrations of the three cultural exemplars. I was amused by his use of smoking as a differentiating characteristic. The Englishman smokes a pipe, the Frenchman a cigarette and the German a big fat cigar. Zukunft carried quite a variety of Yiddish language Tobacco and Cigarette ads. In another post I'll show some of those.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

American Rabbinics to 1950 - Third and final part for now.

 See Part One for introductory remarks. These items can be ordered through the Hollander Books website.

 Part Three

Price, Abraham A. Sefer Mishnat Avraham: kolel be'urim he'arot ve-he'arot be-inyanim kelaliyim be-khamah miktso'ot sheba-halakhah. New York, Defus Moinester, 1944. Large quarto, black cloth with gold lettering, 232 pp., notes, errata. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew. (62355)      $35.00

Pupko, Barukh Aharon, chief editor. Eidenu: sefer zikaron mukdash le-zekher rabenu ha-ga'on Dr. Dov Revel Rosh Yeshivat rabenu Yitshak Elhanan/ Eidenu in memory of Rabbi Dr. Bernard Revel. New York, 1941/2. Octavo, black cloth with gold lettering, frontispiece photo, 138, 74 pp., b/w photos. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew with an English section at the rear (51938)      $30.00

Reines, Chaim Wolf [Ze'ev]. Ha-Po'el be-Mikra ve-Talmud. Ha-Po'el bi-zeman ha-Mikra, ha-Mishnah veha-Talmud ve-halakhot po'alim bi-yesodotehen ha-mishpatiyim veha-musariyim ve-hitpathutan ha-historit/ Hapoel B'Mikra V'Talmud: The Worker in the Bible and Talmud. Brooklyn, New York, Moinester Publishing Co., 1935. Octavo, blue cloth with gold lettering, 77 p. Hardbound. Good. In Hebrew (52110)      $35.00  

Reines, Chaim Wolf [Ze'ev]. Yahid ve-tsibur ba-Yahadut: mavo le-filosofyah ule-sotsyologyah shel ha-Yahadut/ Personality & Community in Judaism: Prologemena to a philosophy and Sociology of Judaism. New York, 1940. Octavo, brown cloth with gold lettering, 129 p. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (56073)      $25.00

Resnick, Abraham. Ma'amar Daloti ve-li yehoshi'a: ve-hu ne'um le-Rosh ha-shanah. Bound with, "Hegyonot ve-hishtapkhut ha-nefesh ha-Yisre'elit li-fene aviha sheba-shamayim: ve-hu perush melabev al tefilat Avinu malkenu," "Ha-Noten imre shefer: helek felyetonim," by Abraham N Azrikom; Ch L Ehrenreich, "Nahpesah derakhenu: devarim ha-yotsim meha-lev ha-do'agim veha-haredim al Toratenu ha-kedoshah: le-hagen al ha-Torah," "Mi-dor le-do," by Tsevi Hirsh Lifshits, and "Sefer Peri ets hadar: kovets mi-kitve ge'one dorenu be-shevah etroge E.ha.K. u-mazhirim le-havdil me-etroge Yavan ve-Korfu," Salomon Marcus. New York, The Author, 1925. Octavo, blue cloth with a printed paper label on the front board, 30, 32, viii, 196 pp., errata, 64 pp., 56, pp., 130 pp., errata, iv, 48 pp. , yellowed paper - varying in yellowness, mostly only mildly yellowed, lacking the original paper covers. Hardbound. Good. In Hebrew. Information on the various additional works bound with the initial work by Resnick available upon request. (62007)      $75.00

Rizikov, Menahem, ha-Kohen. Sefer Sha'arei Shamayim: Helek Rishon. Marehet She'alot uTeshuvot al Helek Orekh Hayim. New York, 1936. Large quarto, black cloth with gold lettering, 208 pp., b/w drawing, errata. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (19284)      $40.00

Rosenberg, Shraga ha-Kohen. Sefer Bigde serad: derashot le-Shabatot ule-yamim Tovim. New York, Pardes, 1930s. Octavo, black cloth with worn gold lettering, 279 pp. Hardbound. Very Good-. In Hebrew (62532)      $20.00

Rosenzweig, L. Bris Mileh (Circumcision). New York, The Author, 1916. Duodecimo, mildly soiled red cloth, 141 pp. Hardbound. Very Good-. In Yiddish (8040)      $60.00

Savitsky, Mordecai. Sefer Bet Mordekhai: ... kolel hadranim le-shishah sidre Mishnah veli-mesekhtot ha-Shas. Boston, Mass., 1944. Quarto, black cloth with gold lettering, 206 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (19796)      $35.00

Schoenbrun, Menahem. Sefer Minhat sofer: al ha-Torah: Sefer Bereshit. Cleveland, Ohio, Yehoshua Raker, 1906. Octavo, black cloth, iv, 60 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62423)      $30.00

Segal, Joseph. Torat Leviyim: dinim ha-shayakhim la-Leviyim bi-zeman ha-bayit uva-zeman ha-zeh ... Helek Rishon. New York, 1948. Quarto, black cloth with gold lettering, 138 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62480)      $30.00

Shapira, Avraham Duber Kahana. Sefer She'elot u-teshuvot Devar Avraham: kolel she'elot u-teshuvot, hidushe halakhot u-ve'ure sugyot. New York, 1946. Large quarto, soiled black cloth with gold lettering, 144 pp. Hardbound. Good. In Hebrew (62599)      $25.00

Silber, Raphael Moshe. Sefer Marpe La-Nefesh: Helek Rishon: Al Shu"A Or"H:  Berure halakhot ve-hidushim u-filpulim be-harbeh sugiyot ha-Shas uve-shitot ha-poskim rishonim va-aharonim. Brooklyn, New York, Ha-Rav Naftali Halberstat, 1950. Quarto, soiled black cloth with gold lettering, iv, 188 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62438)      $30.00

Silverstone, Gedalia [George]. Bet Me'ir : ... derushim yekarim. Helek Shelishi/ Beth Mayir. Part III. A Book of Sermons. Washington, D.C., Romm Press, Inc, 1913. Octavo, fraying black cloth spine, soiled printed paper covered boards, 60 pp. Hardbound. Good. In Hebrew. (7831)      $20.00

Sivitz, M[oses] S[imon]. Sefer Mashbiah. Helek Sheni: Tikunim mashbihim bi-Yerushalmi ha-mefuzarim al pene ha-Shas kulo. St. Louis, Mo., Moinester Printing Co., 1918. Royal octavo, black cloth with gold lettering, xviii, 228 pp., errata, daf alef is worn along the edges and the first signature is a little loose. Hardbound. Good. In Hebrew (61668)      $35.00

Sivitz, M[oshe] S[imian]. Sefer Tsemah ha-sadeh: eshkol amarim. St. Louis, MO, Salz & Gellman Publishing Co., 1938. Octavo, brown cloth, 149 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew. Notes in pencil and pen on the endpapers. (15516)      $25.00

Sivitz, M. S. Sefer Mashbeah: hosafah le-Mashbiah ha-Yerushalmi asher hinen D. oti le-hotsio le-or zeh shete shanim be-Erets Yisrael ... St. Louis, B. Moinester, 1930/1. royal octavo, blue cloth, 34 pp., 147 pp. [second pagination represents another much older work bound-in with this book]. Hardbound. Good [with fair]. In Hebrew. Bound with "Tsohar la-binyan: be-Hokhmat Shelomoh ha-nikra Maharshal be-hidushav..." by Mosheh Zonenshain, Presburg : Gedrukt bay Anton Edlen fon Shmid, 600 [1840], a commentary on Shlomo Luria's "Hokhmat Shelomoh. Title page repaired , but with no loss of text. With repairs to the first two inner leaves with loss of the top open corners of the pages causing loss or obscuring text. Otherwise fresh and legible. (61526)      $75.00

Sofer, Moses. Hidushe Hatam Sofer masekhet Betsah meha-da.t. Ad sugya 4 "Mi-tokh she-niftar mi-tokh devar halakhah." Jerusalem - Cleveland, Mosad keren Spero, 1947. Quarto, black cloth with gold lettering, free front endpaper cracking at the hinge, 128 pp. Hardbound. Very Good-. In Hebrew (62570)      $35.00

Stollman, Isaac. Minhat Yitshak. Helek Shelishi: Vayikra, Ba-Midbar / Minchas Itzchok: An Analysis of and Commentary on Various Religious, National, and Ethical Problems of Jewry Today as Based on an Exhaustive Study of Our Holy Torah. Part III. Leviticus, Numbers. This volume ONLY. St. Louis, MO., Quality Printing and Publishing Co., 1948. Royal octavo, brown cloth with gold lettering, 272 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (48112)      $30.00

Stollman, Isaac. Minhat Yitshak. Helek Sheni: Shemot (U-mo'adim shonim)/ Minchas Itzchok: An Analysis of and Commentary on Various Religious, National, and Ethical Problems of Jewry Today as Based on an Exhaustive Study of Our Holy Torah. Part II. Exodus. This volume ONLY. St. Louis, MO., Quality Printing and Publishing Co., 1941. Royal octavo, green cloth with gold lettering, 298 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (42925)      $25.00

Taitelboim, Mosheh. Yismah Mosheh: u-vo ... hidushe agadot ha-Shas ... u-filpulim ... u-derushim le-mo'ade ha-shanah ... Helek Rishon [and only]. New York, Be-Defus Ha-Ahim Shulzinger, 1942. Quarto, soiled black cloth with worn gold lettering, decorative title-page, 36, 182, 10 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62435)      $30.00

Teiblum, Alter Hayim. Hegyone hayim: kolel be-tokho ma'amere derush ... : ve-nilvah alehem ... ma'amarim be-Idish uve-ivrit. Helek Rishon. New York, no date [1940s]. Octavo, dark blue cloth, 160 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In  Hebrew (9967)      $25.00

Vaydenboim, Mosheh ben Shelomoh. Sefer Or Torat Mosheh: hidushim u-remazim al Hamishah humshe Torah. Oakland, California, The Author’s children, 1925/6. Small octavo, black cloth, 110 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew. Rare. (39900)      $95.00

Weiss, Abraham. Hithavut ha-Talmud bi-shelemuto/ The Babylonian Talmud as a Literary Unit: Its Place of Origin, Development and Final Redaction. New York, The Alexander Kohut Memorial Foundation, 1943. Royal octavo, blue cloth with gold lettering, vi, 264 pp., index. Hardbound. Very Good-. In Hebrew (61599)      $60.00

Widisky, Jerome. Torat Yis'rael: helek rishon mi-Shulhan Arukh Orekh Hayim Yoreh De'ah ...be-targum Angli.../ Toras Israel Book of Hebrew Law of Knowledge Part One. Yore Deah, Choshen Hamishpot and Eben Ezro in twelve parts, also one hundred and fifty lectures in Hebrew and English. Twelve lectures in each part delivered by the author at different occasions, touching on various topics of life, specially with worthy and beautiful fables. St. Louis, Missouri, 1926. Octavo, black cloth spine with marbled paper covered boards, frontispiece photo, 184 pp. Hardbound. Good. In Hebrew and English. Hebrew is on the top of the page and English is below (31402)      $35.00

Yom-Tob ben Abraham Ishbili. Hidushe ha-Ritba: al masekhet Mo'ed Katan ... Sefer Rishon/ Chidushei-Horitvo on Moed Koton, With Comments, Corrections, and Annotations, entitled Divrei Chibo. Prefixed by a biographical introduction dealing with the personality and history of the Ritvo, [born 13th Century] and his writings. The volume is supplemented with a treatise on the doctrine of Stare Decisis in the Talmud, by Ch. Bloch. Brooklyn, New York, Moinester Publishing Co., 1935. Octavo, slightly worn black cloth with gold lettering, 28, 156, 16 pp. Hardbound. Very Good-. In Hebrew (62591)      $30.00

Yudelovits, Avraham Aharon ben B. Sefer derash av: kolel derashot le-khol shabatot ha-shanah le-mo'adim uli-regalim... Sefer Vayikra. New York, 1924. Quarto, black cloth with fraying to the spine at the ends, 230 pp.  Hardbound. Good-. In Hebrew (61581)      $20.00

Yudelovits, Avraham Aharon ben B. She'elot u-teshuvot Bet av tinyana ve-hu Kuntres Kerem Av. New York, Be-Defus Rozenberg Printing Ko., 1919. Large quarto, black cloth with a small chip along the spine and with a printed cloth label on the spine, 164 pp. Hardbound. Very Good-. In Hebrew (62491) $75.00 

Zuenz, Aryeh Leib ben Moses. Miktso'a ba-Torah: Helek Revi'i. Al Shulhan arukh Hoshen mishpat. Hilkhot halva'ah. Pittsburgh, Penn., Abraham Benjamin Zilberberg, 1956. Quarto, black cloth with gold lettering, viii, 166 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62439)      $30.00


Friday, April 5, 2013

American Rabbinics to 1950 - Part Two

 See Part One for introductory remarks. These items can be ordered through the Hollander Books website.

Part Two

Ish-Shalom, Yitshak Ayzik ben Yosef. Sefer Torat Yisrael ve-artso. New York, Pardes, 1938. Octavo, red cloth with gold lettering, 224 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62541)      $25.00     

Israel Meir Ha-Kohen [Chofetz Chaim]. Sefer Hafets hayim al ha-Torah: be'urim u-ferushim le-Hamishah humshe Torah, im he'arot be-shem "Mase la-melekh" al pesuke Nakh u-ma'amare Hazal. New York, Bi-Defus ha-ahim Shulzinger, 1943. Octavo, soiled black cloth with gold lettering, 256 pp., index. Hardbound. Very Good-. In Hebrew. Edited by and inscribed on the title-page by S. Greiniman. (62418)     $30.00

Jacobson, Joseph Meir. Sefer yesod ha-Shabat : Torah Neviim u-Ketubim, mitsvot aseh u-mitsvot lo ta'aseh shel Shabat kodesh, dinim melukatim me-'Orah hayim u-piske ha-G.R.A./ Yesod Hashaboth: Torah, Prophets, Hagiographa. A Proclamation by the Chofetz Chaim. Sabbath laws. Boston, 1944. Octavo, blue cloth with minor wear at the spine ends, 90, 38, 96 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew with an introduction in English. Includes "Seder Kabalat Shabat." (62510)

Kahanov, Uri Meir, ha-Kohen. Sefer Mishmeret Ha-Kohanim. B. Helekim. Helek A. Yehil: Bi'urim ve-Hidushim be-Harbeh Mekomot Mi-Kamah Masekhtot. Helek B. Yehil: Hidushim al Masekhet Kidushin/ Mishmeret Hakohanim: An Analytical Study of Various Principles of Jewish Law. New York, 1948. Quarto, black cloth with gold lettering, 254 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62489) $30.00

Kantrovits, Ya'akov [Jacob Kantrowitz]. Sefer Hidushe ha-Geri: al masekhtot Shabat, Eruvin, Pesahim u-Vetsah ... Brooklyn, New York, 1948. Large quarto, black cloth, 362 pp. Cracked front inner hinge. Very Good. In Hebrew (10343) $40.00 

Korb,  Chaim I. Sefer Tal shehakim: ma'amre agadah al sefer Be-reshit ve-sefer Shemot  ve-al Rosh Ha-Shanah ve-Yom Ha-Kipurim ve-Sukot ... St. Louis, Mo., Quality Printing & Publishing Co., 1941. Octavo, mildly soiled black cloth with gold lettering, 160 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62495)     $25.00

Kornet, Benjamin David. Kibuts mezareh Yisra'el al ha-Torah: Bereshit, Shemot. [Brooklyn, New York], 1946/7. Octavo, blue cloth with gold lettering, 188 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (51948)  $25.00

Kramer, Chaim. Rayonot hayim: ... le-khol sidrah ve-sidrah/ Rayanos Chaim. Contains three parts A) 24 Essays on Genesis B) 9 Sermons for Family Occasions C) 4 Talmudical Homiletical Discourses. St. Louis, Missouri, Salz-Gellman Publishing Company, 1936. Octavo, tan cloth, 128 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (10344)      $40.00

Kramer, Chaim. Sefer Rayonot hayim  al Sefer bereshit: ba-sefer ha-zeh ba-im esrim va-arba'ah Rayonot le-sefer Shemot. Shene Rayanot le-kol Sidrah va-Sidrah./ Rayanos Chaim, contains Essays on the book of Exodus and addresses for holidays and other occasions. St. Louis, Missouri, Quality Printing & Publishing Co., 1939. Octavo, soiled green cloth with gold lettering, foxing to the front endpaper, 128 pp. Hardbound. Good. In Hebrew (62342) $25.00

Kramer, Jacob. Perush populari le-talmidim ule-mitlamdim al masekhet Bava metsia. Perek Shenayim Ohazin. Malden, Mass., The Author, 1946. Octavo, paper covers with mild wear, 128 pp. Softbound. Good. In Hebrew (61705)      $25.00

Kumin, Rachmiel, edited by. Sefer Karne or: kovets shel sheloshim u-shetayim derashot le-mo'ade ha-shanah ule-farashiyot ha-shavua ... be-Ivrit mekorit kalah: karov li-shelosh me'ot ma'amarim ketsarim, homer li-derosh le-farashiyot ha-shavu'a be-Idit modernit ... Helek Rishon: Bereshit -Shemot/ Karnei Or (Rays of Light) a collection of Diversified Sermons and Commentaries on Various Religious, National, and Ethical Problems. Part I: Contains 32 Hebrew Sermons for the High Holidays and Sabbaths, Based on Genesis and Exodus. Part II: Approximately 300 Commentaries, material for Sermons, Based on the Portion of the Week, Written in a Literary Yiddish. New York, 1946. Octavo, mildly soiled green cloth with gold lettering, 351 pp. Hardbound. Very Good-. In Hebrew and Yiddish as indicated. (62600)      $25.00

Langner, Ira. Sefer Or ha-midot al Pirke Avot: kolel hidushim al kol ma'amar u-ma'amar shel divrehem ... Brooklyn, New York, 1948. Octavo, black cloth with gold lettering, 366 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62298)      $25.00

Lesin, Jacob Mosheh Ha-Kohen. Derekh hayim: sihot musariyot: be-inyene Yre'ah, midot ve-de'ah Torah me-Sodrot le-khol parashiyot ha-Torah. New York, 1947. Octavo, mildly soiled blue cloth with gold lettering, 383 pp. Hardbound. Good. In Hebrew (45124)      $30.00

Levin, Hayim Ya'akov ben Aryeh. Sefer Hayil ha-melekh: hidushim u-vi'urim be-hilkhot Shavu'ot mi-Sefer hafla'ah laha-Rambam. Seattle, Washington, 1944. Quarto, soiled black cloth with gold lettering, viii, 146 pp. Hardbound. Very Good-. In Hebrew (62492) $35.00

Levin, Judah Zevi. Te'udat hishtalmut ha-enoshiyut Helek B. ... kolel shishah halakim ... New York, Tere'o Press, 1929/30. Small octavo, paper covers, 174  pp. Softbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62498)    $25.00

Levin, Yehuda Leyb. Sefer "Hadranim" Peri Ets Hadar Meha-Aderet veha-Emunah ha-B. Kolel Hadranim al Derech Halakhah Berurah al ha-Sidrim ve-al Masektot shebe-Shas. Ve-Hidushe Torah ba-Inyanim shonim asher be-kol ve-inyan Sheba-Hadranim veha-Dat, Yimtsah ha-Kora Hidushim Yesharim ve-Nifla'im ha-Mishmahim Lev ve-Nefesh. St. Louis, MO, Moinetser Publishing Co., 1922. Octavo, soiled black cloth with gold lettering on the spine, 224 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (34203)      $25.00

Levine, Morris D. Kitve Mosheh Ha-Levi. New York, Keren Israel Metz Be-Histatfut Yedide Ha-Menuhah, 1937. Octavo, blue cloth with gold lettering, frontispiece photo, 290 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (11139)      $25.00

 Levinson, Ya'akov. Ra'ayonot ve-homer le-derush: le-khol parashiyot ha-shanah. New York, S. Druckerman, 1920. Duodecimo, olive cloth spine, brown printed paper covered boards, 160 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62346)      $30.00
Levy, Wolf. Sefer ha-De'ah veha-dibur: hegyonot ve-hirhurim she-na'amru baha-kahal ba-atim u-zemanim shonim. Helek Rishon. Brooklyn, New York, 1931. Royal octavo, black cloth with gold lettering, 109 pp. Hardbound. Very Good-.  (62458)      $25.00

Masliansky, Zvi Hirsch. Kitve Maslianski: ne'umim, zikhronot u-masa'ot: Kerakh A. Sefer Ha-Haftarah Helek A. New York, Hebrew Poblishing Kompani, 1929. Octavo, soiled brown cloth with gold lettering, 335 pp. Hardbound. Very Good - . In Hebrew (62326)      $25.00

Meskin, Jacob. Sefer Even Ya'akov al masekhet Hagigah: kolel hidushim u-ve'urim ... New York, Defus R.Y. Moyneshter, 1943/4. Quarto, black cloth with gold lettering, vi, 204 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62661)      $25.00

Moskowitz, Meyer. Sefer Imre Me'ir: perush al Tehilim. New York, Moinester Poblishing Komp., 1941. Octavo, blue cloth with gold lettering, 79 pp. Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (51957)      $25.00

Neumark, David ben Shlomo. Toldot ha-filosofyah be-Yisrael: al-pi seder ha-mehkarim. Kerakh Rishon: Petihah. New York. Philadelphia, Hotsaat Shtibl, Bet dafus shel Ha-Hevrah Ha-Yahudim le-Hotsaat Sefarim Ba-Amerikah, 1921. Small octavo, printed paper covers, 398 pp., index . Hardbound. Good. In Hebrew. (62653)      $20.00

Oshry, Efroim. Sefer Divre Efrayim: hidushe halakhot u-ve'ure sugyot ba-Shas: ve-nispah lo kuntres "Me-emek ha-bakha" bi-devarim she-nagu le-ma'aseh bi-yeme ha-za'am be-geto Kovna. New York, 1949. Quarto, black cloth with gold lettering, 118 pp.  Hardbound. Very Good. In Hebrew (62626)      $95.00

Continued in Part Three...