A selections of titles depicting artistic interpretations and commemoration of the Holocaust. The early reactions issued straight out of the experience and the work that followed immediately after the war came out of efforts to include the trauma into a new normal life. Later work is more scholarly and dignified for the most part. However, raw reactions that sometimes come from later generations do sometimes surface. Some of all of the above can be found in the books below. All may be purchased if still available on the
Hollander Books website.

Banasiewicz, Czeslaw Z., compiled and edited by.
The Warsaw Ghetto: Drawings by Jozef Kaliszan. New York, Thomas Yoseloff, 1968. Quarto in mildly soiled dust jacket, 111 pp., b/w and duotone drawings. Kaliszan survived the Warsaw Ghetto. Hardbound. Very Good. (73107) $15.00

Berger, Eva; Jaehner, Inge; Junk, Peter; Kaster, Karl George; Meinz, Manfred and Zimmer, Wendelin.
Felix Nussbaum: Art Defamed, Art in Exile, Art in Resistance. A Biography. Woodstock, New York, The Overlook Press, 1995. Fourth enlarged and fully revised edition of the catalogue for the exhibition of the same title, 6 May to 26 August 1990, Kulturgeschichtliches Museum Osnabrück. ISBN: 0-87951-789-1. Small quarto in dust jacket, 497 pp., b/w and color illustrations throughout, Concordance of Works Titles, List of Exhibitions, Bibliography, Locations, General Index, Photographs (credits). Hardbound. Very Good. Edited by Karl Georg Kaster. Translated by Eileen Martin. With an afterword by Kaster, "The Reception of Felix Nussbaum's Work and Its Place in Art History." (50291) $48.00

Blatter, Janet and Milton, Sybil.
Art of the Holocaust. New York, The Rutledge Press, 1981. First Edition. ISBN: 0-8317-0418-7. Quarto in dust jacket, 272 pp., b/w and color illustrations throughout, artist biographies. Hardbound. Very Good. Historical Introduction by Henry Friedlander. Preface by Irving Howe. (64481) $15.00

Dutlinger, Ann D., edited with an introduction by.
Art, Music and Education as Strategies for Survival: Theresienstadt 1941-45. New York, Herodias, 2001. ISBN: 1-928746-10-1. Oblong royal octavo in dust jacket, xx, 204 pp., b/w and color illustrations, b/w photos, index. Hardbound. Very Good. Selected papers from ther symposium "Art, Music and Education as Strategies for Survival: Theresienstadt 1941-45," held at Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, February 10-11, 2000, and a catalog of the exhibition "The Arts as Strategies for Survival: Theresienstadt 1941-45 held at Payne Gallery of Moravian College, February 10 - March 5, 2000. Preface by Diane Radycki. Foreword by H.E. Alexander Vondra. Introduction: Art and Artists in Theresienstadt: Questions of Survival, by Dutlinger. Essays are "Art in the Context of Theresienstadt," Sybil Milton, "Coming of Age in Thersienstadt: Friedl's Girls from Room 28," by Honnelore Wonschick and Dutlinger, translated by Ian Pepper, "Friedl Dicker-Brandeis"Art, Music and Education as Strategies for Survival: Theresienstadt 1941-45: Lady in a Car," Michaela Hajkova, "Holocaus Survival and the Spirit of the Bauhaus," Susan Leshnoff, "A Carousel of Theatrical Performances in Thersienstadt," Rebecca Rovit, "The Genocide of the Czech Jews in World War II and the Terezin Ghetto," Vojtech Blodig, "Chronology of Thersienstadt," Milton, The Children, "Terezin Memorial: A Short History," Blodig. Afterword: "Moravian College and the Legacy of Comenius Peter Rafaeli," Honorary Consul-General of the Czech Republic - Philadelphia. (22632) $30.00

Ellia, Linda.
Notre Combat. Paris, Editions du Seuil, 2007. French Edition. ISBN: 978-2020-962186. Royal octavo, paper covers, 400 pp., [pp. 23-377 comprise the altered pages from French edition of Mein Kampf], two pages of color photos, list of interviewees, in an illustrated slip-case with a fold-over cover. Signed by the artist and with a drawing on the title-page in felt pen. Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in French. Linda Ellie produced this collection taking pages from the French edition of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. She produced a certain number of altered pages in an edition of Mein Kampf that came into her hands. She then found many other people to participate in her project which ultimately produced this larger body of work. (70271) $60.00

Fisch, Robert O.
Light From the Yellow Star: A Lesson of Love from the Holocaust. Minneapolis, Minnesota, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 1994. ISBN: 1-885116-00-4. Quarto in dust jacket, 40 pp., color illustrations. Fisch was born Budapest, Hungary and survived deportation. Hardbound. Very Good. (7481) $15.00

Frank, Janos.
Aldozatok es Gyilkosok/ Victims and Perpetrators: Ilka Gedo's Ghetto Drawings and Gyorgy Roman's Drawings of the People's Court War Criminal Trials. Budapest, Hungary, Cultural Exchange Foundation, 1995. Quarto, decorative paper covers, 122 pp., b/w drawings throughout, bibliography of the artists, bibliography. Gedo's illustrations are portraits in charcoal. Very Good. In English and Hungarian (14801) $30.00

Godfrey, Mark.
Abstraction and the Holocaust. New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 2007. ISBN: 978-0-300-12676-1. Small quarto in dust jacket, x, color frontispiece photo, 294 pp., color and b/w photos, notes, bibliography, photograph credits, index. Hardbound. Very Good. Abstraction art can be painfully hermetic. Art that addresses the Holocaust through abstraction can be no less hermetic. Godfrey opens up the efforts of various abstract artists to deal with the Holocaust. Chapters are: Introduction: Abstraction and the Holocaust ; Morris Louis' Charred Journal: Firewritten paintings, 1951; Barnett Newman's The Stations of the Cross: Lema Sabachthani, 1958-1966; Frank Stella's Polish Village series, 1970-1974; Louis's Kahn's Memorial to the Six Million Jewish Martyrs, 1966-1972; Beryl Korot's Dachau 1974; Mel Bochner's Via Tasso project, 1993; The Commissions in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 1993; Conclusion: Peter Eisenman's Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, 1997-2005, and Susan Hiller's The J.Street Project, 2002-2005. (56612) $18.00

Kleeblatt, Norman, edited by.
Mirroring Evil: Nazi Imagery/ Recent Art. New York and New Brunswick, New Jersey, The Jewish Museum and Rutgers University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0-8135-2960-3. Quarto, glossy paper covers, xviii, 164 pp., b/w and color illustrations, artist biographies, contributors, bibliography, credits. Softbound. Very Good. Director's Preface by Joan Rosenbaum. Foreword: Looking into the Mirrors of Evil by James E. Young. Articles are "The Nazi Occupation of the White Cube: Transgressive Images/ Moral Ambiguity/ Contemporary Art," Kleeblatt, "Acts of Impersonation: Barbaric Spaces as Theater," Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi, "Childhood, Art, and Evil," Ellen Handler Spitz, "'Avant-Garde and Kitsch' Revisited: On the Ethics of Representation," Lisa Saltzman, "Playing the Holocaust," Ernst van Alphen, "Playing it Safe?: The Display of Transgressive Art in the Museum," Reesa Greenberg." Reflection on the Works of Art are "Keeping One's Hands Clean: Six Commissioned Portraits of a Perpetrator. Christine Borland's L'Homme Double, 1997." "Male Fantasies of Hitler: Confusing Gender and Identity. Roee Rosen's 'Live and Die as Eva Braun,' 1995" "Transforming Images into Symbols: Mischa Kuball's 'Hitler Cabinet,' 1990, "The Conflation of Good and Evil: Piotr Uklanski's 'The Nazis,' 1998," "A Feminist Rejoinder to Uklanski's 'The Nazis': Elke Krystufek's 'Economical Love' Series, 1998," "Impersonating the Victim: Consorting with History. Alan Schechner's 'Barcode to Concentration Camp Morph,' 1994 and 'It's the Real Thing - self-Portrait at Buchenwald, 1993," "Impossible Bedfellows: Adolf Hitler and Marcel Duchamp. Rudolf Herz's 'Zugswang,' 1995," "The Villain Speak's the Victim's Language. Boaz Arad's 'Safam,' 2000 and 'Marcel Marcel,' 2000," "Fascinating Fascism: Then and Now? Maciej Toporowicz's 'Eternity #14,' 1991," "Mirror's of Innocence and Violence: Alain Sechas 'Enfants Gates,' 1997," "Zbigniew Libera's 'Lego Concentration Camp Set,' 1996" "Fashioning Terror. Tom Sachs 'Giftgas Giftset,' 1998 and 'Prada Deathcamp' 1998," and "Staging Depravity. Mat Collishaw's 'Burnt Almonds (Gustav and Helga),' 2000." (28059)
An essential text in the discussion of the Art of the Holocaust. $12.50

Kovner, Abba.
Scrolls of Fire: A nation fighting for its life. Fifty-two chapters of Jewish Martyrology. Jerusalem, Keter Publishing House for Beth Hatefutsoth, The Nahum Goldman Museum of Jewish Diaspora, 1981. Quarto in dust jacket, 124 pp., color illustrations of the paintings by Dan Reisinger. Hardbound. Very Good. Text is in Hebrew with an English translation by Shirley Kaufman and Dan Laor. Kovner's poetry is illustrated by abstract painting often including Hebrew letters as elements within the abstraction. (73108) $15.00

Milton, Sybil & with photographs by Ira Nowinski.
In Fitting
Memory: The Art and Politics of Holocaust Memorials. Detroit, Michigan,
Wayne State University Press, in cooperation with the Judah L. Magnes
Memorial Musuem, Berkeley, 1991. First Edition. ISBN: 0-8143-2066-X.
Oblong royal octavo in dust jacket, 342 pp., b/w photos, annotated
bibliography, selected list of Holocaust Memorial Sites, technical notes
about the photographs, index. Hardbound. Very Good. A critical survey
of Holocaust memorials and monuments in Europe, Israel, and the United
States, focusing on the archeological remains at the original sites of
Nazi terror which constitute the first postwar memorials. This first
study of the institutionalization of public memory, demonstrates how
various nations, politicians, and designers have attempted to do justice
to this subject in public art and sculpture, and shows how national
origin, ethnic allegiance, political ideology, and prevailing artistic
style determined how memorials were commissioned and installed. (29635) $39.95

Novitch, Miriam; Davidowicz, Lucy and Freudenheim, Tom L., with essays by.
Spiritual Resistance: Art from Concentration Camps 1940 - 1945. A selection of drawings and paintings from the collection of Kibbutz Lohamei Haghetaot, Israel. Philadelphia, The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1981. First Edition. Quarto in dust jacket with slight edgewear, 237 pp., b/w photos and color and b/w drawings, maps, additional biographies and other biographical matter, two ownership ink stamps on the front endpaper and one on the edge. Hardbound. Very Good. Forewird by Leonard A. Schoolman. Essays are "The Art Collection of the Ghetto Fighters' House," Miriam Novitch, "The Holocaust Landscape," Lucy S. Davidowicz, "Art from Concentration Camps," Tom L. Freudenheim. (69489) $20.00

Spett, Martin.
Reflections of the Soul: Martin Spett's Holocaust Experiences. [New York], The Manhattan College Holocaust Resource Center, 2002. Quarto, paper covers, 67 pp., color illustrations. Softbound. Very Good. Edited by Jeff Horn. (70035) Spett was from Tarnow, Poland and survived the Tarnow Ghetto and Bergen-Belson. $12.50